7 Reasons Why You Need a Funeral Memorial Book
Guest books are a common sight at many different types of events. They provide an easy way to track attendees and serve as a long-standing memorial of the event. Traditionally, you are most likely to encounter them at funeral or wedding services. You have likely signed a few yourself.
Funeral Guest Books
A funeral guest book, also called a funeral memorial book or funeral register book, represents an integral part of any funeral service. Guests will sign the guest book as they enter the service, leaving their names to show their support for the family of the deceased.
Not only does this provide a written record of funeral guests, many funeral memorial books will also allow the guests to leave a message offering condolences to the deceased’s grieving loved ones. In some cases, it is appropriate to ask for contact information so you can reach them to thank them for coming to show their support.
Using the Funeral Memorial Book
Using a funeral guest book is simple. It is usually placed near the entrance of wherever the service is being held, and guests sign in as they arrive. Some attendees will write a message denoting their relationship to the deceased, some will offer short anecdotes reflecting on fond memories, and some will just write their names.
Due to their highly personal nature, there is no right or wrong way to use a memorial book. It is entirely up to you, the grieving family members of the deceased. For an even more personalized touch, Regal Line offers a collection of unique handmade memorial books to celebrate the life of your loved one.
So much more than just a collection of names and information about the service, these books are a form of enduring legacy that you and your family will cherish for years. Here are 7 reasons why you need a funeral guest book.

1. Track Funeral Attendees
As previously stated, funeral register books provide a complete record of all the guests that attended the funeral. This is important knowledge, as the day itself will be emotionally overwhelming and you are unlikely to remember every single person that came by to pay their respects and the stories they may share. It also serves as a way to acquaint yourself with other people whom you do not know personally that were also emotionally touched by the passing of your loved one.
2. Collect Contact Information to Send Thank You Cards
You will want to thank everyone who came out to pay their respects and support you and your family in such a difficult time. Funeral thank you cards are a great way to do that. Since you will likely be unable to talk to every guest face-to-face and may not personally know every attendee, having guests leave their contact information in the guest book makes it simple to find them later to show your gratitude.
In this instance, a simple thank you card speaks volumes, so you do not have to worry too much about the funeral thank you wording. Funeral thank you card messages should come from the heart and demonstrate your most sincere feelings. Regal Line offers a wide selection of funeral thank you cards to help you say what you feel.

3. Provide a Place to Share Stories
While a traditional guest book is a simple sign-in, the funeral register book has extra space available where guests are invited to write messages or to share personal stories about the deceased. A former co-worker may share an endearing story of a time on the job or a childhood friend may recount an old tale from their youth. These stories are important parts of the deceased’s legacy and cataloging them in the memorial book prevents them from being lost to time.
These messages transform the funeral guest book into a celebration of the deceased’s life. When you read back through the collection of anecdotes, you will get a clearer picture of the life your loved one has lived and share some of their most memorable experiences.

4. Help the Grieving Process
Funerals are a time of grief and mourning, and the grieving process takes a great toll on many. Funeral memorial books often aid the deceased’s family members in overcoming that and allow them to celebrate the life their loved ones lived. The ability to look back at your loved one’s life through little snapshots shared by the funeral guests and having a written record of everyone emotionally affected by the deceased’s passing can offer an immense amount of comfort.
It says, “They lived well, they were loved, and they will always be remembered.” Cultivating an appreciation for the life your loved one lived can help you come to terms with their passing and allows you to move forward with positive memories at the forefront of your mind.
5. A Place to Preserve the Memory of the Day
Due to the intensely emotional aspect of the day, it may seem strange to want to preserve your memory of the funeral service. However, that does not mean you will want to forget it. Having a record of everyone who your loved one impacted in their life lets you remember them at their best.
It reminds you that their influence spread far and wide and that their life was truly something to be remembered and celebrated. There is a sense of solidarity to be gleaned from that, which can prove invaluable as the days go by.
6. Serves as a Lifetime Memento
The funeral memorial book is something that you will cherish forever. You will always have your memories, but having a tangible object to hold and cherish as you reflect and grieve is invaluable. It is a memento that will last lifetimes and provides a window through which future generations can view the past. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren can look back and get to know the deceased, even if they did not know them in life. This way, the funeral guest book becomes an important family record that can be passed down through generations.
7. You Will Only Get One Opportunity
This is perhaps the most simple but still a very important reason. Most funerals and celebration of life services only happen once. Not having some form of a guest book at a funeral is uncommon for good reason. Without a particular place to record the attendees and store memories, you will be without that important memento. This practice is also valued by the guests to be able to write down their feelings and favorite memories. Guests will come and go and memories will fade. You may find yourself without a physical record of one of the most significant days in your family’s history. No one reads through a memorial book regretting they offered it, but if you go without one, you can miss out on so much.
Regal Line Funeral Products
For over 100 years, Regal Line has been the premier source for funeral guest books, accessories, and stationery. Commitment to our core values of respect, celebration, and remembrance guides our business philosophy as we serve as your first stop for your funeral needs. We offer a wide selection of materials, such as guest books, thank you cards, urns, and service records.
Our combination of traditional and advanced digital printing practices also allow for customization, allowing you to personalize your funeral items. A custom-made guest book makes an excellent keepsake that you and your family will cherish for years to come.
Regal Line offers multiple design choices suitable for any funeral service. Every product is made from high-quality materials ensuring they last. For more information on our products, please feel free to look around our website and our catalog.